Contact us
Pat Whalley
01524 782296
Burton and Holme Churches:
St. James Vicarage, Glebe Close, Burton-in-Kendal, Carnforth, LA6 1PL
Send us a message
Pastoral visiting
If you would like a visit from someone on behalf of the church please contact:
Burton: Yvonne Wilson 01524 781504
Holme: Neville & Janet Pereira 01524 782075
Congratulations! Weddings are seriously joyful occasions and we’d love, if possible, to help you in taking this step. If you would like to discuss the possibility of getting married in one of our village churches please contact us.
If you have arranged a wedding at another church but need your Banns of Marriage to be read at St James or Holy Trinity because you live in the parish then please contact us.
Some parking available in the churchyard